Sunday, October 4, 2009

What's next?

I'm starting to feel the pressure to figure out my next move in life.
A lot of the fellows here seem to have it figured out- either applying to grad school or hope to be asked to stay at AHA for another year.
I've been saying that I'm not ready to apply to rabbinical school yet. How do I know when I'm ready? In terms of logistics, I'm going to need a year before rabbinical to learn Hebrew in Israel, and I need the financial security to do so. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually- how do I know when the time is right?
When I finally determine that I am ready to apply, where am I going?
HUC? Zeigler? RRC? Hebrew College?
I don't know how to figure out what flavor of Judaism fits me best. What kind of Rabbi do I want to be? If I decide that I want to be a congregational Rabbi I think that I really do need to pick one type of Judaism...
If I want to work for Hillel, I think that Hebrew College might be a good choice.
Do I want to also get a Master's degree in Jewish Education? Social work? Informal education? Special education?
How am I supposed to choose just one or two things??
How will I know when the time is right?

One thing I know for sure- I want to help others on their Jewish Journey
What's the next step in MY Jewish Journey?

1 comment:

  1. Word. I'm still a junior and this stuff drives me nuts.

    BTW, did you read the post I did recently that set 633 on fire?
