Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Since going away to school I have become fascinated by the concept of pluralism. What is pluralism? Being involved in NFTY, it never even occured to me that I could gain something from other types of Judaism. I was proud of my Reform Jewish identity, and didn't really feel the need to attempt to understand others. When I arrived at Binghamton, I was looking for meaningful Jewish experiences. Often, I found those through relationships. I surrounded myself with people who were searching for the same. I was lucky enough to learn from people who had the ability to be open-minded enough to see beyond whatever flavor of Judaism they identified with. Many friends, when asked if they identified with one of the major denominations, would describe their Judaism as beyond a label. As I went through college I too began to realize that I don't like labels. That's my problem. If I want to be a Rabbi I feel like I have to pick a denomination.
I've had the discussion many times with many different types of people about what it means to truly be pluralistic. Why is it that our standard is the halachic orthodox standard (or the frummest common denominator?) For some people, like myself, it is uncomfortable to have men lead every aspect of Shabbat blessings (kiddush, motzi, etc.) Here at AHA, and in the other pluralistic communities I have been a part of, we do what will make the most observant sect of the population comfortable. Why is this? In most situations I've been in, the halachically observant Jews are one of the smallest minorities of the group. Is this really pluralistic?
To me, pluralism is seeing Judaism beyond divisions of Judaism, and creating a community that engages and connects as many Jews as possible. Are there limits to pluralism? Absolutely...


  1. I will reiterate my invite to visit AJR when you are in town. The phenomenon you describe is caled "the frummest common denominator". MK

  2. Can a Woman Serve as Rabbi?

    Can a woman serve as Rabbi? In an insightful letter (courtesy of the Nissan Mindel Archives) written to a woman from Winnipeg, Canada, the Rebbe addresses this issue.
    We have also included a picture of the Rebbe (courtesy of the Rebbe Archive; special thanks to Yechi Ezagui).
    Good Shabbos,

    Striking Photo of the Rebbe

    The Jewish Woman

    By the Grace of G-d
    Winnipeg 9, Man., Canada
    Blessings and Greetings:
    I am receipt of your letter of_, as well as the previous correspondence. It surprises me somewhat that you ask my opinion on a question which I have already replied to you long ago; inasmuch as you press the subject, I will again give you my unequivocal opinion. It is:
    The primary function of the Jewish woman is to be the Akeres Habayis (foundation of the Jewish home), namely to establish and conduct her home in accordance with the Torah, Toras Chaim, and the Mitzvoth, whereby Jews live. And to the extent that it does not conflict with the Jewish sense of Tznius (modesty), the Jewish woman is also expected to participate in charitable activities in support of worthy institutions, etc., and the like. It is altogether not within her sphere, nor should it be her aspiration, to be (G-d forbid) a Rabbi. This stand has been firmly established in various authoritative Jewish sources. As a matter of fact, the more familiar a Jewish woman is with the Torah world outlook, and the more versed she is in her knowledge of the Torah in this area, the better she should realize that it is not her province to be a Rabbi. The very aspiration to be one is in itself proof of the lack of adequate knowledge and feeling of the true Jewish outlook on life.
    As already mentioned above, I have already indicated to you my views on this subject, though perhaps in different words. I repeated only on your insistence. I want to add again that this stand is no reflection (G-d forbid) upon a woman’s worthiness or intelligence, etc. It has to do only with the particular function which has been Divinely allocated to particular things in the word, and the function of a woman, as noted above is to be the Akeres Habayis and to contribute her share in the areas of philanthropy and social service, which are not less important then the functions of a Rabbi.
    I trust that the above will once and for all resolve your question, so that there will be no point in any further discussion on this matter.
    With blessing.
